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The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries have received reports indicating that mice numbers are on the rise, unfortunately aligning with the expected bumper grain harvest this year.

Under the Biosecurity Act 2014, the house mouse is not a prohibited or restricted invasive animal. By law everyone has a general biosecurity obligation to take reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks.

It is an opportune time to review the actions in your biosecurity plan to ensure they’re up to date. Landholders should be alert, monitor and continue to take appropriate actions to control mice throughout the spring and summer seasons to help reduce impacts. Being proactive is highly recommend and this should be emphasised with landholders in your area. Noting that the demand for baits is increasing, and there may be delays in supply.

Have you noticed a change in mouse numbers or their impacts? You can report them to Council or the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

These resources contains useful information: