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Current Emergency Management Information

Protect your home from mosquitoes

Nov 21, 2017 | Front Page Feature, News

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is of most concern in the transmission of Zika virus and other mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. This mosquito likes to rest in dark areas indoors so you should use household surface sprays under furniture (e.g. beds, tables and sofas) and behind curtains.

You can reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by:

  • Removing potential mosquito breeding sites, see Some mosquitos lay eggs in containers found around your home, so extra care needs to be taken to remove containers and rubbish from around your house.
  • Keeping your lawns mowed.
  • Killing adult mosquitoes with insect surface spray—occasionally spray in dark hiding places, such as under furniture, inside cupboards and behind curtains.

DIY spraying your home:

You can spray your own home with long-acting household insect surface spray to control mosquitoes and other household pests such as cockroaches and spiders.

These domestic surface sprays can be purchased at your local supermarket.

Watch an instructional video on DIY insect surface spray or read DIY insect surface spraying safety tips

See the YOUTUBE video link

Source: Queensland Government

For further information on mosquitoes see Council’s website, phone Council’s Environmental Health staff on 1300 696 272 (1300 MY NBRC) or email Council.