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Emergency Dashboard

Food Business Application and Community Food Event Forms

Food Business Application and Community Food Event Forms

All businesses or Not for Profit Organisations that intend to sell or handle any type of food for sale is required to notify Council.

By notifying Council, you will help ensure that only safe and suitable food is sold from permanent or temporary food premises, and that food handling and servery areas are suitably constructed and operated. The notification is required to be submitted to Council at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.

Temporary Food Premises are structures set up for a specific, occasional event such as a fair or fete. These premises are considered a food business under the Food Safety Standards and need to comply with food safety practices for the duration of the event.

Organisations are required to notify Council of activities undertaken for charitable or community reasons, as well as to commercial ventures and ‘once-only’ projects that involve the handling and sale of food. It includes businesses that may not think of themselves as food businesses, like chemists, cinemas, corner stores, petrol stations and swimming pools, if they sell packaged or any other type of food.

Council’s Environmental Health Officers can provide specific information for temporary events such as transporting food safely, food handling practices and appropriate storage of food and would be pleased to assist.

Further information can be found at the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website.