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Policy Register

North Burnett Regional Council has developed a Policy Framework consisting of 3 Policy Categories – Statutory, Governance and General.

Statutory Policies

Statutory Policy is a policy that must be approved by the CEO and adopted by Council resolution due to a statutory requirement to establish a policy direction and to inform decision-making on a specific topic or issue. Compliance with a Statutory Policy is mandatory.

Statutory Policies
Administrative Action Complaints Policy Download now
Audit and Risk Committee Policy Download now
Advertising Spending Policy Download now
Community Grants Policy Download now
Concessions and Exemptions Download now
Councillor Acceptable Requests and Employee Interaction Download now
Councillor Code of Conduct Download now
Councillor Conduct Investigations Download now
Debt Policy Download now
Entertainment and Hospitality Download now
Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy Download now
Fraud and Corruption Prevention Procedure Download now
Investigation Policy Download now
Investment Policy Download now
North Burnett Regional Council Certified Agreement Download now
Procurement Policy Download now
Public Interest Disclosure Policy Download now
Reimbursement and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Download now
Revenue Policy Download now

Governance Policies

Governance Policy is a policy approved by the CEO and endorsed by Council that supports a statutory obligation and/or establishes a corporate direction and informs decision-making on a specific topic or issue, such as a Council governance matter or an economic, environmental, social and/or cultural topic or issue of interest to the community. Compliance with a Governance Policy is mandatory.

Governance Policies
Asset Management Policy Download now
Adandoned Vehicles Download now
Caretaker Period Policy Download now
Cemeteries Policy Download now
Community Engagement and Consultation Download now
Confidentiality Policy Download now
Councillor Portfolios Download now
Drug and Alcohol Policy Download now
Drought Management Urban Water Download now
Debt Recovery Download now
Enterprise Risk Management Policy Download now
Gates and Grids Policy Download now
Council Housing Policy Download now
Information Privacy Policy Download now 
ICT Policy Download now
Work Health and Safety Policy Download now
Gifts and Benefits Policy Download now
Contact with a Lobbyist Policy Download now
Local Disaster Management Levy Download now
Maintenance of Nature Strips in Urban Areas Policy Download now
Motor Vehicle Policy Download now
Naming of Streets Download now
Register of Roads Policy Download now
Road Network Management Policy Download now
Rural Addressing Policy Download now
Rural and Urban Signage Policy Download now
Sealing of Unsealed Roads Policy Download now
Standing Orders and Model Meeting Procedures Download now
Stock Route Management Policy Download now
Strategic Risks Download now
Trade Waste Policy Download now
Wandering Livestock Policy Download now