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Local RSL branches have advised that Remembrance Day will be observed throughout the North Burnett region this Friday 11 November 2022, at all townships, except Biggenden. All scheduled services will be open to the public. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month marks the moment the guns fell silent on the Western Front, after the bloodshed of World War I. Over the past century, this moment has been adopted across the globe as a time to remember those who served and sacrificed in all wars and conflicts.

Please see the table below, for information regarding remembrance services in your area. For further information, please call our Communities team on 1300 696 272.

Town Service/Activity Time Location Open to Public or closed
Biggenden No Remembrance Day Service This Year      

Remembrance Day Service

Note: The RSL advised this is a brief gathering to observe a minute’s silence

10:45am-11:05am Eidsvold War Memorial, Moreton St, Eidsvold Open to public
Gayndah Remembrance Day Service

Assemble 10.40am

Service commences at 10.45am

Gayndah Cenotaph (Capper Street, Gayndah) Open to public
Monto Remembrance Day Service

Assemble 10.20am

Service commences at 10.30am

Monto RSL, Rutherford St, Monto Open to public
Mundubbera Commemorative Remembrance Day Services

Assemble 10:45am

Service commences at 11am

Cenotaph, Lyons St Open to public
Mt Perry Remembrance Day Service

Assemble at 10.45am

Service commences at 11am

Scheduled for 73 Heusman Street Open to public


Media Contact

1300 696 272 |