(01-03-17) Celebrate Harmony Day @ your local library! 10am Tuesday, 21 March
Tuesday, 21st March 2017.
Come along to your local library on Tuesday, 21 March and help celebrate Harmony Day…
Australia has a rich, social fabric made up of traditional owners, people who were born here and people who have moved here. The North Burnett has many and various different cultures which bring with them different foods, ways of dressing, languages, customs and beliefs. Harmony Day is about celebrating these differences, embracing new cultures and making sure that everybody is included in society, as well as celebrated for their uniqueness.
North Burnett Regional Council will be hosting Harmony Day celebrations in each library on Tuesday, 21 March 2017, from 10:00am to 11:30am. We invite you to come along and share this celebration with our community. We are encouraging people to wear orange in support of the theme ‘Everyone Belongs’ and asking people to bring along a plate of their traditional family food to share. A multicultural stand will also be on display with facts, figures and information.
For further information please contact your local library on 1300 696 272 (1300 MY NBRC) or email admin@northburnett.qld.gov.au.