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Media Releases & Public Notices

Media Releases & PUBLIC NOTICES


School Holiday Library Fun

School Holiday Library Fun

The Castle of Tarrangindi These school holidays, get ready to discover The Castle of Tarragindi! Children and families are invited to take part in an arts & crafts adventure created by...

ABC Heywire Workshop – 4 July

ABC Heywire Workshop – 4 July

Calling all young writers & changemakers! This July, the ABC Heywire team are facilitating an online Storytelling Workshop at the North Burnett Libraries. Heywire is a storytelling competition...

Latest Public Notices

Grant Writing Workshop

Grant Writing Workshop

Do you have an idea for an arts, culture or heritage project in your area?  Do you need some tips for writing successful funding applications? Join us for a grant writing workshop in Biggenden facilitated by seasoned expert, Olivia Everitt, where we will unlock the...

Beiers Park Bottle Tree Removal

Beiers Park Bottle Tree Removal

Council is advising residents of the upcoming removal of the brachychiton rupestris tree, commonly known as a Queensland bottle tree, situated in Beiers Park in Biggenden. Due to advanced damage within the heart of the tree and increased safety concerns, expert...

E-Waste Recycling at your local Waste Management Facility

E-Waste Recycling at your local Waste Management Facility

Did you know that E-Waste recycling collection services are offered at all waste facilities across the region? Next time you visit your local waste facility, look for the green bins to place your E-Waste so that it can be recycled! What can be placed in E-waste...

If you are looking for a particular article that does not appear on our website, please complete the contact form below and a Council officer will assist.