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Current Emergency Management Information

Drones are fun to fly, but you must fly responsibly

Aug 21, 2018 | Front Page Feature, getreadynorthburnett, News

In the North Burnett Region we rely on various aviation services for deliveries, transport and emergencies.  Council recognises that the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry has grown significantly in the last few years with extensive benefits to local business and tourism.

Australia’s recreational drone safety rules have been around since 2002 and are designed to protect other people in the air and on the ground. We ask that if you choose to operate a UAV in the North Burnett region that you do so with respect for other airspace users and within the federal regulations.  Please follow these simple rules:

  • You must only fly during the day and keep your drone within visual line-of-sight. This means being able to see the aircraft with your own eyes (rather than through a device) at all times.
  • You must not fly your drone higher than 120 metres(400ft) above the ground.
  • You must keep your drone at least 30 metres away from other people.
  • You must not fly your RPA over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations are underway (without prior approval). This could include situations such as a car crash, police operations, a fire and associated firefighting efforts, and search and rescue.
  • You must only fly one RPA at a time.
  • You must not fly over or above people. This could include beaches, parks, events, or sport ovals where there is a game in progress.
  • If your drone weighs more than 100g, you must keep at least 5.5km away from controlled aerodromes. Flying within 5.5km of a non-controlled aerodrome or helicopter landing site (HLS) is possible, but only if no manned aircraft are operating to or from the aerodrome. If you become aware of manned aircraft operating to or from the aerodrome/HLS, you must manoeuvre away from the aircraft and land as soon as safely possible
  • Remember, you must not operate your drone in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property.
  • Respect personal privacy don’t record or photograph people without their consent—this may breach state laws.

For further information visit the Drone Flyer website, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority website, and download CASA’s free app “Can I fly there?” Contact Council’s Airports Operations team on 1300 696 272 (1300 MY NBRC), or email Council.