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Did you know that E-Waste recycling collection services are offered at all waste facilities across the region?

Next time you visit your local waste facility, look for the green bins to place your E-Waste so that it can be recycled!

What can be placed in E-waste recycling bins?

  • Computers and accessories
  • Electrical appliances
  • mobile phones
  • power tools
  • televisions
  • whitegoods
Why should E-Waste items be recycled:
  • When electrical appliances are thrown away, they become electronic waste or e-waste, which is the fastest growing type of waste in Australia.
  • Electrical appliances are made up of a broad range of materials including precious metals (such as gold and platinum), toxic heavy metals, metal circuitry, mixed plastics, fire retardants, and glass. When the appliance is recycled, these valuable materials stay in use, which means fewer new or ‘virgin’ materials need to be mined from the ground.
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and prevents valuable materials from going to waste in landfill.
What happens to E-Waste once placed in the E-Waste Recycling Bin?
  • Up to 95% of materials can be recovered for reuse and recycling.
  • Electronic appliances are dismantled, and the different components are sorted.
  • Many of the materials including glass, copper, plastics, metals, and precious metals are recovered for further processing so they can be used to make new products.

If you have any further questions on E-Waste recycling please have a chat with our Waste team at your local facility or call 1300 696 272.