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Living History Cartoon Room @ Gayndah Arts & Cultural Centre

Gayndah Art Gallery 34 Meson Street, Gayndah, Queensland

The idea for the Living History Cartoon Room was sparked after seeing photos of Brisbane Museum’s Storytellers exhibition which showcases the ‘dark past’ of the capital city (crimes etc) in black and white line drawings within a 3D display. Rachel Koster of Xcursion Arts decided that a scaled down  version of this concept  would be a fantastic way to bring the community together in an artistic collaboration to present quirky bite sized pieces of Gayndah’s history in a fun, interactive and engaging way. With financial assistance from RADF funding, the project was pieced together from January to July 2021, working with year 4/5 from the State School, local museum staff and community members. Grade 6 of St Joseph's also were involved creating a youthful view of Gayndah now and into the future with 12 paintings which sit alongside the room.  School holiday workshops allowed children of all ages to decorate small trinket frames to hold photos from the past.  The entire room was hand drawn onto foamcore sheeting and photo card as well as upcycled furniture.  The line work was completed by Rachel with contributions from those listed on the back of the forth wall. Local historian Cynthia Berthelsen was […]

Mother and Daughter Workshops Eidsvold

Building stronger, healthy families Connecting Mothers, Carers, and Daughters back to Family Spirit and Heart of Country. Purpose To delivery culturally appropriate activities for local Aboriginal mothers and/or carers of young women to build community capacity, connectedness, bonding, fostering a sense of support and belonging. Background Bridges welcomes the community for a 3-day group workshop hosted by Bridges Cultural Liaison Support Officer, and local Diversional Therapist. Throughout the workshops, attendees will receive information, referral pathways, how to prevent daily stressors, manage negative impacts, strategies, and practical ways to improve their emotional wellbeing. Mothers and Daughters will be able to participate in creative cultural activities in a safe and supportive environment to foster strengthening of positive relationships through connecting heart, mind, soul and Country. With a strong focus on mental, social, and emotional wellbeing, Bridges hopes that these workshops will help the Eidsvold community to come together with stronger relationships. Please note, this event is suitable for daughters between the ages of 10 and 18 years old. Facilitators To lead the workshops, we are lucky enough to have two facilitators, Denise Johnson-Fines, Bridges Cultural Liaison Support Officer Dianne Wilson, Diversion Therapist To book your spot Due to space, we require all […]

Eidsvold Races 2021

Eidsvold Racecourse Racecourse Road, Eidsvold, Queensland, Australia

Eidsvold Races 2021 - 2 October 2021  5 Race Program  Fashions on the Field - theme  BE BOLD   Bookmakers & Tote  Free buses from Eidsvold, Mundubbera & Monto  Multiple food vendors + full bar  Entertainment for all ages - DJ following the last race  Free camping & hot showers  Online tickets - $10 Purchase a ticket at the gate - $15 Eidsvold Race Club | Facebook