Spring is the perfect time to undertake hazard reduction burning. Hazard reduction burning is an important environmental management procedure, but it comes with certain risks. Here are all the facts you need to know:
- A hazard reduction burn is a controlled or prescribed burn, planned during low-risk periods, to remove ground fuel loads ahead of the bushfire season.
- Hazard reduction burns are undertaken to help reduce the intensity and severity of bushfires, to protect life and our homes, and maintain environmental habitats.
- Although hazard reduction burns are planned during optimal weather conditions, wind directions can change and blow smoke into populated areas. People in nearby and surrounding areas should close windows and doors, and if suffering from a respiratory condition, keep medications close by. If you are affected by smoke and are concerned about your health risks, please seek medical attention.
- Smoke can decrease visibility on the roads, so motorists are urged to drive with caution and to conditions. Road signage will be present during hazard reduction burns on road reserves.
Landholders can apply to Council for an Approval to Burn permit, to burn local road reserves and Council controlled reserves adjacent to their properties. To apply, complete the Application for Approval to Burn a Rural Road Reserve or Other Council Controlled Reserve form, found on Council’s website here: North Burnett Regional Council – Roadside Burning These applications can be submitted months in advance, to allow applicants to arrange burns around weather conditions.
As part of this application, a permit must be acquired from your Local Fire Warden. Local Fire Warden contact information can be found on the QFES website here: Fire Wardens | Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (qfes.qld.gov.au)
If a landholder wishes to burn a State Government controlled road reserve, they must contact the Department of Main Roads and Transport.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding hazard reduction burning, please contact Council on 1300 696 272.
Media Contact
1300 696 272 | media@northburnett.qld.gov.au