Current Emergency Management Information
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Current Emergency Management Information

Accommodation for Seasonal Workers
On Wednesday 8 March 2023, I met with Councillors, representative from State Development, staff from Council’s Planning and Development team, members of Council Executive, and orchardists and accommodation providers from the Mundubbera area.

The meeting was organised by Council to inform stakeholders of the latest changes by the Queensland Government relating to the planning and assessment of seasonal workers’ accommodation. The meeting also reaffirmed the major issues relevant to the consideration of sites for accommodation, including zoning, constraints such as flooding and the provision of services to Local, State and Commonwealth standards.

While significant time was spent summarising the changes and how they relate to different categories of accommodation, it was also a great opportunity to hear directly from stakeholders on current issues relating to supply of appropriate sites. This includes the implications of high demand for residential lands in Mundubbera and across the North Burnett.

Discussions with stakeholders will continue, with a follow up meeting proposed in April 2023. In the interim, Council staff will investigate site opportunities and constraints in various parts of Mundubbera and surrounds, to assist these discussions.

Mulgildie Pullover Area, Burnett Highway
The Mulgildie pullover area commenced last week for the safety of motorists. The project provides for the section between Oak Street and Pine Street intersections on the highway to be widened and the shoulders sealed, to allow for motorist using this side of the Burnett Highway, to pull over/access the businesses on the opposite side of the road. The majority of this project has been completed and appropriate signage will be installed to complete this project.

Pre-budget Discussions 2023/2024 Financial Year
Councillors are in the process of holding workshops with Chief Executive Officer, General Managers and support staff, in relation to the preparation of the 2023/2024 financial budget.
Topics covered to date, have been:

  • Capital Works Program
  • Rates Modelling
  • Preliminary Budget and Long-Term Financial Plan 2023/2024 to 2031/2033
  • Local Government Sustainability Framework
  • Fees and Charges

Paradise Dam Reference Group
The General Manager Civil Works and I have met with the Paradise Dam Reference Group to discuss Paradise Dam and projects. Other attendees at the Reference Group meeting include Local Government Elected Members, State Government Officials, local growers and consultants to the project. Recently an overview of the Paradise Dam Improvement Project (PDIP) was provided. These included waterflow, enabling works activities (material sourcing, accommodation etc.), alliance establishment (timeframes and benefits), road investigations and environment and planning approvals. Sunwater also provided an update on the water sale considerations, a positive recreational legacy and a fishway.

Road Register Classification Review
As part of Council’s Essential Service Delivery – Getting the Basics Right, Council conducted a comprehensive road asset revaluation project. Council Officers and consultants physically inspected every road on the register within the North Burnett region. As a result, numerous roads were identified as low use, with vegetation obscuring the road in some cases and locked gates preventing access further along formed roads.

The project has identified by all involved, that up to 40% of the Council’s rural road network appears to be overclassified, based on the conditions encountered onsite and traffic volumes observed. By changing the classifications to more appropriate classifications, it could provide significant savings to Council.

The review will provide Council with a transparent, unbiased approach to making sound decisions on how to best manage the road network moving forward, to ensure assets are maintained and renewed when they become due.

Progress at Biggenden Water Treatment Plant
With the completion of the second month of site works by the contractor Water Treatment and Filtration, some real progress is being seen at the Biggenden Water Treatment Plant, where the old plant is being replaced and a raw water reservoir added to the site, to assist in the management of water quality.

The area of the plant compound has been extended and cleared to make space for the larger footprint of the new plant. Foundations have been prepared for the new raw water reservoir and supernatant ponds and underground pipework installation is underway. Reinforcement for the first of the new supernatant ponds is installed and concrete pouring has commenced. There have been no major rainfall events to interrupt progress on the project so far and completion is projected in time for the new plant to be fully operational by the end of 2023.

Water & Wastewater Mulgildie Rising Main Stage 1
As part of Council’s Drinking Water Safety & Reliability Project, a contractor has been engaged to undertake the Mulgildie Rising Main Stage 1 works. The works will involve construction of 350m of water main along Hughes Street, Mulgildie and will start mid-March, with construction taking two (2) weeks to complete. The Drinking Water Safety & Reliability Project will build on the robustness of existing water supply systems and aims to ensure compliance with evolving standards and regulations.

Civil Works Update

  • Maintenance Grading Zone 2 – Folleys Gully Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 4 – McLaughlans Road, Cannindah Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 6 – Yenda Benyenda Road, Yenda Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 7 – Eureka Road, Old Range Road, Plum Creek Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 8 – Barrule Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 9 – Cherelly Orchard Road, Longatong Road, Paradise Road
  • Construction Crew North – Local Road – Re-sheeting
  • Construction Crew South – Gayndah – Mount Perry – Resheet
  • Resource Crew North – Glencoe Road – NHVR Upgrade
  • Resource Crew South – New Cadarga Road, Jaru Road – Resheet, Bauer Street – Footpath Replacement

Wetheron Creek Bridge (Wilson Valley Road): Repairs in progress.

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly on 0458 696 272, or or your Divisional Councillor, if you would like to address any concerns. Our contact details can be found on Council’s website:

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1300 696 272 |