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Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service Snake Bite Advice

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service has recently urged the public to take extra precautions to protect themselves against the risk of snake bite during the summer months. Recently the Gayndah community was devastated by the news of a fatal snake bite, prompting the community to think carefully about acting diligently with regard to snakes.  Wide Bay Health encourages anyone who has been bitten by a snake to follow basic first aid immediately, and present to the nearest emergency department, as soon as possible. Simple precautions to reduce the risk of interactions with snakes and the possibility of being bitten, include keeping grass short, removing places where snakes might shelter, sealing potential entrances to your home and wearing protective covering on feet, legs and hands, while working outdoors. Anyone suffering symptoms including puncture marks, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, drowsiness or feeling lightheaded, change in vision, chest or abdominal pain, or difficulty breathing, following a suspected snake bite, should call 000 immediately.

Schools’ End of Year Celebrations

Excitement is mounting at local schools, as preparations are in full swing, for end of year celebrations marking the end of term four and the start of the Christmas holidays. This Friday 18 November 2022 is Year 12 students’ last day of school, and next week, Friday 25 November 2022 will be the last day for Year 10 and 11 students. State Primary Schools will finish on 9 December 2022 and Catholic Primary Schools will finish on Friday 2 December 2022. Congratulations to all students for the hard work they have put into their studies and we wish Year 12 and Year 10 students graduating this year, all the best for the coming years, with their future study and working lives.

Mount Rawdon Pumped Hydro Session

The Mount Rawdon gold mine operation is currently planned to close in 2028. Evolution Mining is pursuing construction of a renewable energy storage, managed in partnership with Infrastructure Capital Australia Partners (ICA Partners), known as the Pumped Hydro Project. On Wednesday 9 November 2022, Councillors and community were provided an opportunity to view and discuss proposed development of the pumped hydro electricity project on the site of the existing Mount Rawdon Gold Mine in Mount Perry. Councillors and the public took the opportunity to meet with, view and understand this proposed project. Further information will be made available to Council and the public as more development is progressed.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day took place on Friday 11 November 2022 and ceremonies were held in the townships of Eidsvold, Gayndah, Monto, Mundubbera and Mount Perry. Cr Jones and I participated in the Remembrance Ceremony at Monto, alongside members of the public, teachers and students of Monto State School, and Council staff. CEO Margot Stork and Councillors participated in other Remembrance Day Ceremonies across the region.

RSL Gayndah Sub-Branch Annual Dinner

Approximately 60 people attended the RSL Gayndah Sub-Branch Annual Dinner on Saturday 12 November 2022, which was chaired by president Steve Adams. Presentations were made to board members and others for their contributions to the Sub-Branch throughout the year, with the president presenting his annual report.

Mr James Mi Mi, a Wakka Wakka man, and Retired Warrant Officer Class Two, Royal Australian Infantry Corps, Australian Regular Army, Somalia, East Timor and Iraq Veteran, was the guest speaker for the evening, who gave an impressive outline of his experiences and accomplishments while serving in the Australian Regular Army.

Mr James Mi Mi was born and raised in Gayndah. After completing Year 12, he enlisted in the Australian Regular Army (ARA) and after completing recruit training at Kapooka, NSW, he was allocated to the Infantry Corps. Following Initial Employment Training (IET), he was posted to the First Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (1 RAR).

Throughout his 24 year service within the ARA, he held a number of regiment and non-regimental postings and progressed through the ranks from Private to Warrant Officer Class Two within Infantry Corps. Mr James Mi Mi received medals acknowledging:

  • Australian Active Service Medal with clasps East Timor, Somalia and Iraq.
  • International Force East Timor Medal
  • Iraq Medal
  • Defence Force Long Service Medal with clasp
  • Australian Defence Medal
  • Infantry Combat Badge

North Burnett Regional Council is proud of the extensive contribution that Mr James Mi Mi has made to the Australian Regular Army and to the North Burnett community.

BayWa r.e. Information Session

Cr Mesner was one of many people who attended the BayWa r.e. Kariboe Wind Farm Information Session on Monday 14 November 2022 at Dawes Hall, Thangool. Neighbours and locals were invited to meet the project team, find out more about the project and provide feedback. If you are interested in offering your services to the project, BayWa r.e is also compiling a register for local suppliers to register their services via their project email address:

Civil Works Update

This week, Civil Works will continue with existing grading work and also commence new works on the following roads:

  • Maintenance Grading Zone 2 – Burns Road and Chandlers Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 4 – Continuing Yarrol Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 7 – Top Gurgeena Road and Merediths Road and Number 6 Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 8 – Boondooma Road, Benhams Road and Kerles Lane
  • Construction Crew North – Continuing Monto-Mt Perry Stabilisation Package
  • Resource Crew North – Kalpowar Road MF Grade
  • Construction Crew South – Gayndah – Mundubbera – Reseal Prep
  • Resource Crews South – New Cadarga Road – Resheet (Yesberg Earthmoving)

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly on 0458 696 272 or or your divisional councillor if you would like to address any concerns. Our contact details can be found on Council’s website

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