Current Emergency Management Information
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Current Emergency Management Information

Draft Community Engagement Framework
Council has recently developed a framework to undertake community engagement activities according to the Local Government Act 2009, which requires Council to uphold the principle of ‘Democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community engagement’.

The framework aims to develop a consistent approach to community engagement, in order to achieve better informed decision making and ultimately, better outcomes for the community.

Aims of the framework include ensuring community views are understood and considered when developing Council plans, policies and service delivery, and ensuring the community has the opportunity to participate in engagement with Council. Other aims include strengthening community connectedness and improving trust between the community and Council. Similarly, the framework aims to enhance coordination, planning and promotion of community engagement activities and strengthen communication and feedback from Council to the community.

The draft framework can be viewed in the 25 January 2023 General Meeting Agenda on Council’s website.  A copy of this document is readily available on request at your local Library and Customer Service Centre.

Future Amalgamation
Council would like to dispel ongoing rumours of potential de-amalgamation and re-amalgamation with neighbouring Councils. In September 2022 Council wrote to the Queensland Government seeking disclosure of any plans for de-amalgamation and/or re-amalgamation of the North Burnett Region. In response, Council received confirmation that the Queensland Government is not considering any form of amalgamation for the North Burnett Regional Council.

The Queensland Government acknowledges the challenges that local governments face as they play a critical role in supporting the safety, liveability, and prosperity of local communities and may provide additional support in the form of training, to Councils who face unique financial sustainability concerns.

Australia Day
The 2023 Regional Australia Day event in Eidsvold on Thursday 26 January 2023 was a great success, with around 300 people attending the celebration. Upon arrival, guests partook of a delicious BBQ breakfast which was prepared by the Lions Club of Eidsvold Inc, while listening to the enlivening musical entertainment of Cobblestone – the essence of Australia.

Following a welcome address and acknowledgement of Country by CEO Margot Stork, guests were treated to an exciting dance performance by the Yumbin Dancers who sang the National Anthem in English and also Wakka Wakka language. Mayor Les Hotz presented the opening address and Margot Stork introduced special guest, Australia Day Ambassador, Rowena Dionysius, who gave an inspiring speech about her journey toward volunteering for Relay for Life.

The Awards Ceremony then began, with each recipient being introduced and presented with their awards.
The citizenship ceremony soon followed, with ten new citizens receiving their certificates and making the Citizenship Pledge, followed by the Yumbin Dancers singing a beautiful rendition of We Are Australian. Throughout the day, children were entertained with face painting and an exploding watermelon science show, with Professor Stupendous.

Paradise Dam Report
The Interim General Manager Works and I attended the Paradise Dam Reference Group Meeting facilitated by Sunwater on 10 November 2022. At the meeting, the Terms of Reference were ratified and were subsequently published on the Sunwater website. The Paradise Dam Improvement Project, which will return the dam to its original full supply height, was explained in full detail.

Sunwater shared feedback on options to re-introduce water for permanent sale during the Improvement Project. Members of the reference group requested a timeline for upcoming activities. A fact sheet has been provided by Sunwater following the meeting and will be accessible on Council’s website in a separate public notice.

Quarterly Report
This quarter saw progress on the implementation of 63 items set out within Council’s Operational Plan, with 89% of these being on track. In addition to the operational plan, Council Officers have a further 66 projects in the pipeline or underway. These projects span across construction, infrastructure, technology and projects focused on organisational efficiency.

During the quarter, Council was successful in securing funding toward the recruitment of six (6) apprentices/trainees, who commenced in December 2022 and works crews responded to several storm clean-ups across the region.

Civil Works

  • Maintenance Grading Zone 2 – Folleys Gully Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 4 – Yarrol Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 6 – Taylors Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 7 – Beeron Road, Greentree Road, Greentree Lane
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 8 – Barbours Road, Burrows Road, Chinchilla Boundary Road
  • Maintenance Grading Zone 9 – Muan Road
  • Construction Crew North – TMR Reseal Prep
  • Construction Crew South – Gayndah – Mt Perry – Resheet
  • Resource Crew North – Glencoe Road (Upgrade)
  • Resource Crew North – Staatz Road (Gravel Re-Sheet)
  • Resource Crew South – New Cadarga Road – Resheet

Wetheron Creek Bridge (Wilson Valley Road):  Repairs in progress

Water and Wastewater
Water and Wastewater staff were getting down in the detail this week as they scrutinised maps of our underground infrastructure. In cooperation with Assets staff, Water and Wastewater are in the process of cleansing our data in Intramaps, to ensure Council staff can rely on available information when advising customers, designing new projects and carrying out other asset management functions.

The ground truthers have also assisted management in determining what our service area maps should look like, based upon their unique knowledge of the infrastructure we have in place and what properties we can provide water and/or sewage services to. Revised maps will be provided for consultation in coming months whilst Water and Wastewater work with Rates staff to finalise service zones for all our major networks.

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly on 0458 696 272 or or your Divisional Councillor if you would like to address any concerns. Our contact details can be found on Council’s website

Media Contact

1300 696 272 |