Mundubbera Show
The Mundubbera Show held last week, from Thursday 4 May to Saturday 6 May 2023, drew impressive crowds over the three (3) days of events, which included campdraft, painted beast competition, ring events, show jumping, rodeo, tug of war, extreme horseman trials, prime cattle, stud cattle, poultry, car show, woodchop, art, craft, produce, horticulture, dog competitions, fireworks and more. The Mundubbera show has been showcasing Mundubbera region’s livestock, produce and creativity for over 100 years, since 1921. The longevity of our regional shows is something to be proud of.
NAB Bank Announces Closure of Service in Biggenden and Mundubbera
In the Council General Meeting on Wednesday 26 April 2023, Councillors moved to ask the CEO to write to the national manager of the National Australia Bank (NAB), appealing for the decision to close services in Biggenden to be reversed. On Thursday 4 May, NAB announced that it will close the Biggenden branch on 27 July 2023. Banking services are essential services in regional townships and the closure will adversely affect many individuals, organisations and small businesses, including around 50 community groups and essential services such as schools and the SES, and around 50 small businesses in Biggenden. The CEO letter has been forwarded to NAB and Council will provide an update on their response in future communications. Further, correspondence has been forwarded to Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport urging this committee to consider remote and rural communities when bank closures are considered and the negative impact that such closures can have on these communities.
Support the Girls
On Thursday 4 May 2023, LiveBetter and Monto Neighbourhood Centre hosted the popular Paint and Fit event, holding a morning session as part of the Biggest Morning Tea and an evening session at the Monto RSL. Both sessions consisted of bra fittings, and a creative painting activity, with lots of fun and laughter. The aim of Paint and Fit is to support women, while focusing on rural, remote and marginalised communities. Support the Girls is a fantastic initiative, raising awareness of the importance of women getting regular health checks and accessing health supports. I commend all the women involved in the project, for supporting the women of our community.
Water Meter Reading
Council staff will commence reading water meters for the period to 30 June 2023, from Monday 29 May 2023 to Friday 30 June 2023.
To ensure your meter is read, residents are advised to:
- Ensure the area around the meter is clean and free from debris or obstruction and clearly visible.
- Remove or trim any plants, shrubs, dirt or other obstructions that are blocking access.
- Keep dogs secure or restrained away from the meter.
- Unlock any gates preventing access to the meter.
Should you have any enquiries regarding water meter readings please call Council’s Water and Wastewater staff on 1300 696 272 or email
KellCo Ladie’s Luncheon
The KellCo Ladies Luncheon held on Thursday 4 May 2023 at the Albert Hotel in Monto, successfully raised over $5000 to bring Josh Arnold to Monto later this year, to hold a children’s workshop and performance. Over a year ago Gayndah State School was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Josh, and now the Monto Cluster of Schools (Abercorn State School, Monto State School, Monto State High School, Mulgildie State School and St Therese Catholic School) will have this chance to experience this same opportunity, thanks to the Kellco Ladies Luncheon. This event could not be possible, without the hard work of all the ladies involved and the generous sponsors who contributed to the event. Congratulations to all involved in the outstanding fundraiser.
Flood Funding Grants for Community-led Recovery and Resilience Projects
On 3 May 2023, the opening of $16.7 million second round of Flexible Funding grants for community-led recovery and resilience projects in flood-affected communities was announced. The grants are jointly funded by the Federal and State Governments though Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Grants are open to non-government organisations, research bodies, industry groups and peak bodies, community groups, and Local Governments. Small grants of up to $50,000 and larger grants of up to $100,000 are available for projects in local government areas affected by flooding events in 2021-22. Applications for grant funding will close at 2.00pm, on Wednesday 7 June 2023. For more information and to apply, visit the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economies website here.
National Road Safety Week – 14 – 21 May 2023
National Road Safety Week is an important week which aims to remember the 1,200 people who lose their lives and 44,000 seriously injured on Australian roads each year due to road trauma. You can show your support for National Road Safety Week by:
- taking a pledge online to drive so others survive
- wearing a yellow ribbon or a t-shirt/polo shirt, to remember those impacted by road trauma
- lighting landmarks around Australia yellow, to remember those killed and seriously injured by road trauma
- hosting an activity or event in your community or organisation to raise awareness of road safety.
Find out how you can get involved by visiting the National Road Safety Week website here.
Civil Works Update
This week, you can expect to see the grading continuing and commencing on the following roads:
- Maintenance Grading Zone 1 – Clonmel Road
- Maintenance Grading Zone 2 – Coominglah Road
- Maintenance Grading Zone 3 – Brians Road
- Maintenance Grading Zone 4 – Longs Road
- Maintenance Grading Zone 7 – Mungy Road
- Maintenance Grading Zone 8 – McCords Road
- Maintenance Grading Zone 9 – Stevens Road
- Construction Crew North – Abercorn Floodway Replacement & Widening
- Construction Crew South – Beeron Road Re-sheet
- Bridge Repairs – Wuruma Dam Bridge (Mt Eagle Road)
As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly on 0458 696 272, or or your Divisional Councillor, if you would like to address any concerns. Our contact details can be found on Council’s website:
Media Contact
1300 696 272 |