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The Eidsvold NAIDOC Community Exhibition is a culmination of historical and contemporary pieces of Indigenous Cultural significance to the Eidsvold Community and is set to open 5 July 2:30pm.
The exhibition by the Eidsvold Community is coordinated by local media business EJ Garrett Pty Ltd. The exhibition is funded by The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) for the 2024 NAIDOC celebrations and will be exhibited at the Reginald Murray Williams Australian Bush Learning Centre, Eidsvold, on Wakka Wakka land.
The items on display are made up of art, artefacts and usable pieces made by local community members or belong to locals. The collection is of cultural significance to the families that have generously offered to display these items in the exhibition. Event coordinator Lillian Garrett says that the Eidsvold Community is well represented and describes the collection as a ‘must see’ exhibition for everyone to experience “There is something for everyone here. We have paintings, weaving, digital art, clothing, artefacts and even usable items on display”.
There are over 60 pieces in the exhibition, including a portrait of local Eidsvold Identity Ron West painted by famous artist Gil Jamieson kindly donated for the exhibition by the Monto Museum Of Art.
Business owner EJ Garrett describes the exhibition as “a strong statement of the cultural integrity that exists here in Eidsvold and demonstrates the connection we have to each other and to our culture.”
The exhibition is scheduled to be held over two months with the launch on the 5th July 2:30pm at the Reginald Murray Williams Australian Bush Learning Centre.