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Emergency Dashboard

Pest Management and Biosecurity

Council works to implement the Biosecurity Act 2014. Land Protection Officers are available to assist you in the identification of pests and to give advice on best practice management of declared weeds that you may have growing on your property. To contact the Land Protection Officers for assistance in identification of potential weeds or advice please contact Council on 1300 696 272.
Feral Animals

Feral animals or invasive pest animals pose a major economic, environmental and social threat to the region. The main invasive pest animals of concern in the region are:

Under the Biosecurity Act 2014 (Qld), all landholders have a General Biosecurity Obligation (GBO) to manage the risks that invasive pest animals pose. To assist landholders in meeting this obligation, North Burnett Regional Council provides a number of invasive pest animal programs (listed below).

Wild Dog Scalp Bounty

Council offers landholders access to a $20 Wild Dog Scalp Bounty for scalps collected within the North Burnett Regional Council local government area.

Scalps must be the entire length of the body of the animal, dried or salted and contained within a plastic or hessian bag.

Landholders must contact Council to arrange an appointment for scalp collections.

1080 Baiting Program

Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) is a very useful pesticide for the control of pest animals and has been used throughout Australia since the early 1960s. 1080 is the most efficient, humane and species-specific pesticide currently available for declared animal control in Australia. In Queensland, 1080 is registered for use in the control of wild dogs, feral pigs, foxes and rabbits.

Council offers rural landholders the opportunity to participate in 1080 baiting campaigns to control invasive pest animals such as wild dogs and feral pigs on their properties within the North Burnett region. These campaigns are generally conducted in April/May (early Winter) and again in August/September (early Spring).

Council can also provide 1080 baits to rural landholders outside of the baiting campaign dates if the landholder can demonstrate a ‘justifiable need’.

For further information on any of these programs, please contact Council.

Biosecurity Plan

North Burnett Regional Council makes strategic and operational decisions on invasive species management based on a range of factors. These factors include federal and state government imperatives, local government initiatives (either singularly or collaboratively), industry best practice and community behaviours and desires.

While the Council is responsible for ensuring that invasive species are managed in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2014, the whole community has a responsibility to take action. Council has developed a Biosecurity Plan that describes how invasive species will be managed collaboratively in partnership with our communities.

Notice of a Surveillance Program for invasive pest species nominated in the North Burnett Regional Council Biosecurity Plan 2019-2024 – Biosecurity Act 2014
Purpose and scope of the program:

The purpose of the program in the North Burnett Regional Council area is to:

  • Confirm the presence, and extent of the presence in the North Burnett area of prohibited or restricted matter.
  • Confirm the absence in the North Burnett Regional Council Area of Prohibited or Restricted to which the program relates.
  • Monitor the effects of measures taken in response to a biosecurity risk posed by prohibited or Restricted Matter.
  • Conduct inspections on public and private land to determine to presence, extent and risk posed by prohibited or restricted matter.
  • Surveillance will be undertaken by Authorised Officers by visual ground inspections. Inspections may also be undertaken by aerial surveys.
  • Monitor treatment programs and enforce compliance where necessary.
Program Area

The surveillance program is authorised for the whole of the North Burnett Regional Council area. Individual properties will be selected for inspection based on observations or known presence of prohibited or restricted biosecurity matter or reports of restricted biosecurity matter.

Start date and duration of the program 01/02/2021 – 28/01/2022

Availability of the program authorised council (including its authorisation) will be available for inspection at Council Customer Service Centres. A copy of the Program Authorisation will be provided on request by contacting North Burnett Regional Council on 1300 696 272.

Surveillance Program under the Biosecurity Act 2014 for Restricted and Prohibited Matter 2022-2023

The North Burnett Regional Council Serveillance Program for Prohibited and Restricted Matter under the Biosecruity Act 2014 2021-2022 was adopted by Council at the General Meeting in Biggenden on 24 November 2021. 

Version 1.

NBRC Surveillance Program for Restricted and Prohibited Matter 2022-23

Noxious Weeds

Pest species degrade natural ecosystems, impact on agricultural productivity, threaten biodiversity, can impact on human health and interfere with recreational and cultural uses and values of an area.

To manage pest species throughout the North Burnett, Council has developed the North Burnett Regional Council Biosecurity Plan 2019-2024. The plan identifies a number of broad actions and goals that Council will work towards in managing invasive plants and animals.

Invasive Pest Plants

Invasive pest plants pose a major economic, environmental and social threat to the North Burnett Region. Under the Biosecurity Act 2014, all landholders have a General Biosecurity Obligation (GBO) to manage the risks that invasive pest plants pose.

The main invasive pest plants of concern in the region are:

See the Prevention and Control Program under the Biosecurity Act 2014 for Rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) and Hymenachne (Hymenachne amplexicaulis) here.

Council works to control invasive pest plants on Council land with the region’s roadsides controlled by Council Officers.

If you see these species, please contact Council on 1300 696 272 or email to report it. We may already have this location listed on the schedule, however for those that are new infestations Council can inspect, control and schedule in for future maintenance.

Emergency Animal Diseases Preparedness Information

Livestock Owners and Producers

Access information and resources from Department of Agriculture to prevent and prepare for emergency animal diseases, including:

  • lumpy skin disease (LSD)
  • foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)
  • African swine fever (ASF)

These have the potential to cause significant and far-reaching impacts to Australia’s livestock industries, including considerable economic losses and restrictions.

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