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Attention all heavy vehicle operators

Do you operate a heavy vehicle, or utilise heavy vehicles in your daily activities? If so, you could be transporting invasive species without your knowledge.With funding from the Queensland Government as part of the Better Partnerships Project, the Wide Bay Burnett...

Bat/Flying Fox Safety for your family

Have you had a conversation about Bat or Flying Fox safety with your family?  All Bats/Flying Foxes have the potential to carry Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV) which can only be transmitted to humans by bites or scratches from infected bats or saliva into an open...

Alligator weed – Unwanted

Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) is a vigorous aquatic and terrestrial weed that is identifiable by its hollow stems and white flowers. It spreads vegetatively (does not produce viable seeds) and can tolerate both fresh and saltwater.It is a significant...