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Current Emergency Management Information

Temporary Level 5 restrictions to Eidsvold’s water supply

Jan 28, 2019 | Front Page Feature, News

Due to an unidentified issue with the water reservoir in Eidsvold, temporary Level 5 Water Restrictions will now apply in Eidsvold until further notice.

Residents will be advised when Level 5 restrictions have been lifted.

Water should be limited for personal use only.

Level 5 Water Restrictions:

  • Private Lawns, Gardens and Sports Grounds – No external use
  • Private Swimming Pools, Spas or Ponds – Filling or Topping Up – Newly constructed swimming pools, spas and ponds must not be filled for the first time. – Existing swimming pools, spas and ponds must not be topped up or filled.
  • Fountains – Fountains must not operate without the permission of Council.
  • Paved Areas – Cleaning – Water must not be used to clean paved areas unless cleaning is required as a result of an accident, fire, health hazard or other emergency.
  • Farm Dams and Tanks – Topping Up – Farm Dams and tanks must not be topped up except Dams or tanks providing water for fire fighting, public health or stock watering purposes but only to the extent necessary to reasonably provide for these purposes.
  • Sports Grounds – Watering – Active and Non-active playing surfaces must not be watered.
  • Commercial Market Garden or Plant Nursery – Sprinklers must not be used. – Hand held hoses, watering cans or buckets can be used at any time.
  • Window Cleaning – Water must not be used to clean windows. – Unless where cleaning is required as a result of an accident, fire, health hazard or other emergency.
  • Mobile Water Tankers – Filling – Mobile water tankers must not be filled except tankers that are supplying water for use inside domestic premises, or fire fighting or stock watering purposes.
  • Vehicles – Cleaning – Water must not be used to clean vehicles unless cleaning is required for health or safety reasons. – Cleaning for health and safety reasons must be undertaken using watering cans or buckets filled directly from taps or trigger hoses which can be used only to rinse vehicles after washing.
  • Any Other Purpose – Water must not be used without the written permission of Council

Council acknowledges the co-operation given by residents and thanks them for their responsiveness and assistance while restrictions are in place.  Council urges consumers to continue to use water appropriately and in a waterwise manner.

For further information about the Level Five restrictions, please call Council’s Works Department on 1300 696 272 (1300 MY NBRC) or visit Council’s website and refer to Services / Water Services.