Current Emergency Management Information
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Get in touch with the Council
Current Emergency Management Information

Attention Beepers!  Following the detection of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) in New South Wales, we’re calling on all Queensland beekeepers for support. Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Conduct surveillance on your hives as soon as practicable, in the form of sugar shaking, drone uncapping or alcohol washing.
  • Report unexpected hive deaths, deformed bees, bees with parasites, poor brood patterns and dead brood to the DAF, by calling 13 25 23.
  • Check your biosecurity entity registration. If you own or keep at least one hive, you must register as a biosecurity entity. To register, click on this link. Registration is free for non-commercial beekeepers, and native bee hives do not need to be registered.
  • If you’ve acquired or relocated honeybees (including queen bees, nucleus hives and hives with honeybees) from NSW in the last 12-months, remain on alert for the presence of varroa mite.
  • Keep up to date with the latest information and ask your questions on our eHub, by clicking on this link.

To check out the DAF information package, click on this link.

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1300 696 272 |