Current Emergency Management Information
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Current Emergency Management Information

We need your feedback…

Nov 10, 2016 | Front Page Feature, News

Child care gap analysis…

North Burnett Regional Council is undertaking a Child Care Gap Analysis within the region to better understand the current provision of child care services, and to identify gaps and opportunities for enhancement. The results will assist Council to advocate on behalf of the community.

Regardless of your current involvement in the child care system, please take the time to fill out this survey and share your views on local child care services. Council is particularly eager to identify ideas about how these services can be improved.

Council is interested in hearing all community opinion, as poor child care services may impact things such as employability, availability, and work performance.

The survey can be taken online at the following links or a hard copy can be obtained from any of Council’s Customer Service Centres.

  • Parents Survey – (Thank you for your input – This survey closed 05-12-16)
  • Providers Survey – (Thank you for your input – This survey closed 05-12-16)
  • Regulators Survey – (Thank you for your input – This survey closed 05-12-16)

It is hoped that results from the survey will allow council to better understand current child care services in the region, and the impact that they have on our community; identifying strengths, weaknesses, and any opportunities for improvement.

For further information, please contact Council’s Community Development staff on 1300 696 272 (1300 MY NBRC) or email