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Wishing you a safe and relaxed Christmas season

Mayor’s Desk – 14 December 2017 I love this time of year. Not just because of the shiny decorations which indulge my addiction for all things “bling”, not just because it means holiday time for many but because it’s the only time of year we collectively...

Your Council wants more for the North Burnett

Mayor’s Desk – 30 November 2017 As someone who has never been particularly interested in politics until the last 4/5 years (much to my mother’s disgust and perhaps to some of your surprise) I have spent many an election night wishing a good movie was on instead of the...

A bright future for the North Burnett

Mayor’s Desk –16 November 2017 Well, it’s been swift hasn’t it? This is my last Mayors desk before the election result and I suppose we can be thankful that it’s almost over. I don’t mean to sound harsh towards the whole election thing, it’s an integral part of our...

How do we elect decision makers?

Mayor’s Desk – 2 November 2017 I’m going to make a controversial statement here….are you ready? The majority of Australians do not have trust or confidence in government. Ok, so it wasn’t that controversial was it? Any quick read of a newspaper, scan...

Have you read Council’s Annual Report?

Mayor’s Desk – 19 October 2017 One of the five principles of local government is transparency. On occasion, council has been blamed for the lack of transparency however in my opinion it may not be the lack of information readily available but the inability...