Current Emergency Management Information
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Current Emergency Management Information

Introduction to Capability Statements Breakfast

Being able to communicate what you do is always important and in this busy world it is increasingly important that we can do this succinctly and still standout from competitors.
To assist achieve success in this area, you are invited to a 1 hour Introduction to Capability Statements Breakfast where we will get you started.  At the breakfast, we will also outline a program of how you can learn the additional concepts required.
These include some recorded sessions that you can view at a time that best suits you.  As you may still have questions and there are other concepts to learn, we will host a 1 hour webinar prior to Christmas to round out what is normally a 4 hour workshop.
But you may still require some assistance or feedback.  For this, we offer a  one on one session (probably via video conference) to assist attendees fine tune their Capability Statement.
Please find attached the flyer which also has the registration link.