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Legacy 200 Fundraising Run

My name is Snr Constable Tom Mort, from Mount Perry. On Friday 24 March at 8pm, I will be setting off from the Federal Hotel on a 211km run from Mount Perry to Bundaberg and back. I plan to arrive back at the Grand Hotel around 8am Sunday 26 March. My aim is to do this in under 40hrs, to raise awareness and funds in support of Epilepsy Queensland.

Epilepsy is one of the world’s most common serious brain disorders impacting the lives of not only those who are diagnosed, but also that of their family and friends. In Australia, around 250,000 people are currently diagnosed with epilepsy. SUDEP is Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. SUDEP refers to the death of a person with epilepsy who was in their usual state of health dies suddenly and unexpectedly. Research is being done to look at all possible causes and potential genetic links. Approximately 1 in 1000 people with epilepsy die from SUDEP each year.

I am inspired to challenge myself in tribute to my good friends, with the loss of their 22yo daughter Maddie recently to SUDEP. Prior to this, I knew little about this condition. Now I’m on a mission to reach out and let Maddie’s Legacy live on. At the finish line on Sunday 26 March, the Grand Hotel will be putting on a breakfast and I hope you can come down to cheer me over the finish line. Stay on for lunch and some great auctions, raffles, music and festivities.
Come along and support this important cause and help me raise vital funds to support Epilepsy Queensland and those with this condition.